joi, 7 aprilie 2016


Ii multumesc Exceletei Sale, Ambasadorului Pirkka Tapiola ca a raspuns scrisoarei mele deschise. Raspunsul, daca il putem numi raspuns, nu a fost unul care sa aduca lumina asupra intrebarilor mele, ci a explicat mai mult de ce nu imi poate raspunde la intrebari. Din scrisoarea adresata-mi am inteles ca nu infirma alegatia potrivit careia i-a numit banditi si badarani pe politicienii moldoveni, domnia sa nu vrea sa se expuna in public de ce a facut-o argumentand ca a fost o discutie privata. 

Concluzia pe care o trag este simpla - un ambasador, daca e ambasador si respecta tara in care activeaza, nu poate sa-si permita nici macar in discutii private sa-i faca pe liderii opozitiei badarani, iar pe cei ai puterii mafioti, cu atat mai putin sa foloseasca apelativul de "sat" la adresa Republicii Moldova. 

Rusinica Excelenta, cred ca din scrisoarea privata pe care am primit-o, lipsesc scuzele adresate cetatenilor Republicii Moldova. Personal imi va fi destul de greu ca din acest moment sa pot vedea  obiectivitate in actiunile domniei voastre. Imi asum responsabilitatea de a privi cu mult mai multa circumspectie si retinere afirmatiile domniei voastre, ca si actiunile. Consider ca afimatiile private pe care le-ati facut sunt un gest neprietenos pentru Republica Moldova. Asteptam fie sa dezmintiti aceste zvonuri, fie sa le confirmati, dar nu sa faceti un balet iresponsabil printre cuvinte. Nu e un comportament de diplomat european si nu are nici o legatura cu bunele practici europene. 

Public integral scrisoarea, pentru ca cei interesati sa vada cum ati ocolit un raspuns transat si sa traga fiecare concluzii din aceasta situatie jenanta pentru Republica Moldova. Intrebarea ramane, cum UE accepta ca un ambasador al ei sa isi permita un astfel de limbaj, fie si in discutii private?! Posibil ca Moldova sa fie considerata in Uniunea Europeana doar un "sat", pentru ca asa este mesajul pe care l-a transmis la Bruxelles ambasadorul lor....

Dear Mr. Nichitus,

Thank you for your letter, which I read with great interest.

From the outset, I would like to make clear that all of my positions and views regarding the situation in the Republic of Moldova are well-known – precisely because they are stated in public, on multiple occasions. Needless to say, all of my public statements can be also regarded as official communications in my role as European Union Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova.

In your letter, you make reference to what I have allegedly said in private conversations, or closed meetings. A basic principle is that private conversations and closed meetings are private, and as such protected from any obligation to divulge their contents, either partially or in their entirety, to those not participating in them. This would breach acceptable boundaries, and often also open the door to un-grounded speculation, with things taken out of context from the discussion in which they have been expressed. In this vein, I will under no circumstance publicly either confirm or deny the contents of any private discussion or closed meeting I have; not what anyone else has said, nor what I have allegedly said myself.

I would like to add and emphasize, however, that both privately and publicly, I hold the Republic of Moldova and, especially its wonderful citizens, in the highest regard and respect. As I have consistently noted, this small, but strategically important, European country and her citizens deserve democracy, accountability, and the rule-of-law. This will provide them with new opportunities for economic growth and prosperity. It is precisely for this reason that the European Union is building a close relationship of political association and economic integration with the Republic of Moldova.  

The position of the European Union towards the Republic of Moldova, regarding the issues you seem to have in mind, is also clear and well-known. Much of it can be found in Council Conclusions on the Republic of Moldova, from February 2016. For example, the 2015 ENP progress report mentions that "the reform of the public sector has been hampered by vested interests closely interlinked with politics", while in her remarks following the adoption of the Council Conclusions, High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini stated "the importance of de-politicising the state institutions, fighting systemic corruption, investigating the banking frauds and reforming the justice and banking sectors in the interest, first and foremost, of the Moldovan citizens who are the first we have in mind all along our work."

Our relationship, is therefore one which is aimed at supporting transformation of the Republic of Moldova to a modern, well-governed democracy, providing real opportunities to her citizens. This will require much hard work, political will and concrete action from our partners, as these reforms need to be domestically owned. 

Kind regards,

Pirkka Tapiola, EU Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova

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